This entire website is under (probably indefinite)
construction! This means that sometimes it will suck on
mobile - in which case, go on desktop mode, most of the
time I use that to code). And
it will suck on desktop (in that case, resize your
window. If that doesn't work, tough.) This site uses
Javascript, which is disabled by some adblockers. I
think. Nekoweb uses no ads anyways, so if you could turn
them off, that would be great! The Javascript might not
even work anyways, due to my admittedly shoddy
Javascript skills (see: copy and pasting from w3schools'
How To pages) but it just makes the page funner, you
know. This website is mostly coded on a 1920 x 1080
computer screen on Microsoft Edge. I am trying my best
to make it mobile friendly >_< I use some (fairly
cringy) substitutes for swears, because I sometimes use
a school computer to edit this. I also use autoplay on
some of my audio. By opening this website, you agree to
me autoplaying a fun fanfare sound on my intrests page.
And some other stuff idk anymore.